Growing up, we all come across many different sayings and mantras about fear. One of the ones commonly heard and repeated to this day is “The only thing to fear is fear itself.” Along my journey, I've came across a different saying that has a very interesting interpretation of what fear is, and in its description, provides a key insight to overcoming and defeating it. “Fear is simply FALSE. EVIDENCE. ACTING. REAL.” Now let’s break that down to get a clearer understanding of what is actually being said here.
This means that there is a person, place, thing, or BELIEF, we are experiencing, that has information about it that is either untrue or lacking complete integrity.
This means that the person, place, thing, or BELIEF that is lacking complete integrity, is playing out in front of us and we experience it as if it is the one and only reality.

The standard definition of fear,"an unpleasant EMOTION caused by the BELIEF that SOMEONE or SOMETHING is DANGEROUS, likely to cause PAIN, or a THREAT, thoroughly and accurately describes the thoughts and emotions we are experiencing in those moments and even supports the meaning and message behind this mantra. When we take this saying and compare it to the definition, we see that it correlates with a BELIEF that causes an unpleasant EMOTION and the EVIDENCE supporting this BELIEF is that the BELIEF we have poses a threat to our safety or endangers us in some way. When this evidence is used to support this BELIEF, it triggers the survival instincts and components of the brain to take over causing it to create, perpetuate, and reinforce this emotional energy as if this belief is REAL, in order to defend and protect ourselves.

Analyzing and being conscious our own behaviors in this way, can help provide an alternate perspective and insight into those problems and issues that arise that seem insurmountable. Instead of giving into the F.E.A.R. and allowing those undesirable outcomes to overtake your thoughts and hijack your emotions, practice reminding yourself of two things. First, STOP telling yourself what you DON’T want. Secondly, START telling yourself what you DO want to happen in those moments we start feeling this way.

Imagine…the BEST possible scenario you could ever think of…How would you describe it?
Imagine…how it would play out, in your mind…see it with your mind’s eye…
Ask yourself what would need to happen or what steps would need to occur in order for that…BEST case scenario… to become reality?
What emotions would you feel when the changes you want to make have already started taking place? Would you notice it if it were happening in right front of you?

Just by FOCUSING on the THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS we experience when looking within and asking yourself these simple questions, instead of ones of ANXIETY, FEAR, or SCARCITY, with the same intent and amount of EMOTIONAL and THOUGHT ENERGY then maybe…just maybe…we will start creating that scenario all by ourselves and watch it play out in front of us.
To this writer, even if I thought or believed, “this is can’t work,” or “that sounds nice but it's too simple to work,” I ask you to ask yourself the same thing I first asked myself,
What do you honestly have to lose by giving this a 100% full attempt? Is it really too difficult to take action by committing to YOURSELF to alter your THOUGHTS and EMOTIONAL ENERGY by FOCUSING on only the BEST scenarios possible when I notice myself using my that same energy on UNDESIRABLE, FEARFUL, NEGATIVE, outcomes instead?
I support every one trying their BEST each day to take another step forward in overcoming their F.E.A.R. No matter what it is, or how it effects your life, I know and believe that each and every being reading this post, dealing with their own unique F.E.A.R and struggle, has the strength and courage to keep on pushing and overcoming every obstacle in their path. On behalf of everyone on the Divine Connections team we want to say that YOU ARE loved, YOU ARE worthy of love, and YOU WILL always find the right support when you need it most. We are all in this crazy thing called life together, we are all one, and Where We Go One We Go All!

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