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3 Amazing Sources of E.T. Wisdom That Will Elevate Your Vibration.

Writer: BJ GarietyBJ Gariety

Updated: Dec 5, 2021

Do you believe extraterrestrials exist and have tried to make contact with us?

Have you ever wondered what REALLY goes on in outer space?

Ever wondered about the knowledge and wisdom from ancient civilizations that has been forgotten, misinterpreted, or even intentionally suppressed over time?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then make sure your tinfoil hats are strapped on tight for this one...

...and get ready as I take you on another dive deep down the rabbit hole of one of my favorite scientific "Conspiracy Theories.” Here we will explore some "Forbidden" knowledge from ancient civilizations, and several channeled materials you probably were never told about in mainstream society.


Popularized by the late Edgar Cayce, the word channel is generally used to describe how the human being is a source of psychic and spiritual transmissions. In its most general sense, a channel is simply a means of transmission, or way of communicating. Some of the more popular and recently heard of channelers are Esther Hicks, who channels Abraham, and also Darryl Anka, who channels Bashar.

Edgar Cayce


Who or What is Abraham-Hicks?

As described on her website, Esther Hicks is the woman who channels the entity known as Abraham. Abraham describes themselves as "a group consciousness from the non physical dimension." Abraham speaks through Esther Hicks and has told us that whenever we feel moment of great love, pure joy, or whenever we feel that energy flow rushing through our bodies, that is the energy of Source, and that is who Abraham is.

"Jerry and Esther never use the word channeling, it is used when applied to them, but they have never used it because it means many things of which they are not, you see."

"You could leave the channeling out of it. Call it inspiration; that's all it is.

You don't call a basketball player a channeler, but he is. He's an extension of Source Energy.

You do not call the surgeon a channeler, but he is.

You do not call the musician, the magnificent master musician, you do not call him a channeler, but he is.

He is channeling the broader essence of who he is into the specifics of what he is about." -Abraham

Abraham has several valuable and profound teachings, most people resonate with on some level, some of which are as follows;

  • You are a physical extension of that which is non-physical

  • You are here in this body because you chose to be here.

  • The basis of your life is freedom; The purpose of your life is joy.

  • You are a creator. You create with your every thought.

  • Anything that you can imagine is your to be, do, or have.

  • As you are choosing your thoughts, your emotions are guiding you.

  • The Universe adores you, for it knows your broadest intentions.

  • Learn to relax into your natural well-being. All is well.

  • You are a creator of thoughtways on your unique path of joy.

  • Actions to be taken and possessions to be exchanged are by-products of your focus on joy.

  • You may appropriately depart your body without illness or pain.

  • You can not die. You are everlasting life.


Bashar is a non-physical being, "a friend from the future," who has spoken through channel Darryl Anka for the past 37 years. Bashar describes the importance of belief systems and explains how to change what you believe about yourself and your world to dramatically change what you experience in your life.

Bashar's message emphasizes self-empowerment and your ability to use your conscious free choice to create the life and the world that you prefer.

Bashar's Message simply acts as a reminder of what you already know but may have forgotten and can help you experience this transition to the next level of consciousness, smoothly and joyfully, by expanding your awareness of the unlimited possibilities that are truly available to you.

The message emphasizes increasing your self-empowerment and your connection to your Higher Self as being key to consciously creating the kind of reality you desire.

What do both Abraham and Bashar have in common?

Both entities claim to be non-physical beings communicating through human vessels.

Both entities encourage and promote self-empowerment and increasing your awareness and raising your consciousness.

Both entities' message is about choosing your thoughts and creating your reality.

The Law of One

For those of you that did not read my last post. The Law of One is a collection of 106 Question & Answer sessions between the Love & Light Research Group and the 6th density social memory complex referred to as Ra. These sessions took place between January 1981 through March 1984. Similarly to both Abraham and Bashar, Ra is a non-physical being communicating through physical human vessels via channeling.

Ra describe themselves as well as the concepts put forward with a very sophisticated level of description and detail. Ra talks about how they have watched our group and have been called to us because we have shown a need for a diversity of experiences, like channeling, and they are offering a different slant upon the information that has existed and always remained the same. I am offering something similar by sharing and highlighting the work, as well as the connections among Abraham, Bashar, and Ra with you and encouraging you to look into these sources for yourself.

The only one important statement Ra wishes us to understand is “All things, all of life, all of the creation is part of one original thought.” This statement is another way of stating that there is one original SOURCE in which everything that is, was, or will be created in our reality emanates from. This statement is often conceptualized in modern religions as the idea of God, or an original creator.

The same concept is also referred to by physicists as the Higgs-Boson particle, which is claimed to be an elementary particle in the standard model of physics, that represents the Higgs field and is responsible for giving other particles their mass. This could also be stated as the Higgs-Boson particle is the SOURCE in which all other particles get their mass.

The most interesting scientific concept that I believe accurately explores this concept is known as the Holographic Universe Theory. This is due to the nature of how easily and thoroughly it shows how all things can originate and emanate from a singular source, like a single photon for example, and shows a unifying connection between us and the universe rather than a perspective of separation from it.

What is a Hologram?

A hologram is a visual representation of a subject that is produced by exposing a high-resolution photographic plate, without a camera or lens, near a subject illuminated by monochromatic, coherent radiation, typically from a laser. The high-res photographic plate is commonly referred to as a holographic plate. When these holographic plates are placed in a beam of coherent light, a true 3-dimensional image of the subject is formed and is referred to as a hologram.

Holographic plates are very interesting for many reasons, however the most interesting thing about them to me is how when you take that holographic plate after it has been imprinted with the subject matter of choice and you break that plate up from one solid piece to 100 smaller pieces, each of the 100 smaller pieces still produce the original, full sized image, of the source that was imprinted onto it, when it’s placed back into a coherent beam of light or laser.

The holographic universe theory essentially uses this same concept in reference to how the entire universe breaks down the same way a holographic plate would with each fractal of the holographic plate, or as in the universal model, each fractal of life, still reflecting its original source. This in the universal sense would be the universal/source consciousness that we as humans and all living beings are connected to. We will dive deeper into Ra’s interpretation and explanation of this concept as it relates to the creation and formation of the planetary entities in our Solar system as well as our galaxy later in this post, and it will further show this fractal and holographic nature that I believe exists throughout our entire universe.

For all of this to be more than just a theory, there would have to be some evidence and research supporting it, right?

Dewey Larson, Physicists

Dewey Larson was an American Chemical Engineer born in McCanna, North Dakota. He also was an author of several different works on the fundamental nature of the universe and the originator of the Reciprocal System of physical theory. Larson developed a consistent and comprehensive theoretical framework to explain natural phenomena from sub-atomic particles to quasar galaxies.

The “RS” theory was created after Larson noticed that properties of the elements in the Periodic Table could be easily determined if one were to assume that time had three dimensions, instead of one. Larson realized that these three, temporal dimensions had the same properties as the three conventional spatial dimensions, which led him to the conclusion that there were three dimensions of space/time. This means each dimension of space pairs up with a dimension of time as a ratio.

The inverse relation of space to time, known as (Time/Space), is what is commonly called speed, or in a general sense, motion. By assuming that motion rather than matter is the actual building block of Nature, he was able to discover the dimensional relationship between space and time as “natural units,” meaning it doesn’t require any other units of measure, and he used that relationship to define two hypotheses that build a theoretical model of the universe that closely resembles the observed universe, from the smallest particle to the largest galaxy.

The first is that the physical universe is composed of one component, MOTION, existing in three dimensions in discrete units and with two reciprocal aspects, space and time.

The second is that the physical universe conforms to the relations of ordinary, commutative mathematics, its primary magnitudes are absolute, and its geometry is Euclidean. Euclidean geometry, also known as parabolic geometry, is all about shapes, lines, and angles and how they interact with each other.

In 1965 Larson’s book, Beyond Space and Time, he documents several other outstanding achievements of his theory, that conventional science is still having trouble with.

One of those is Photons, regarding the wave-particle duality as a natural consequence of the structure of the photon as a “unit of motion.” Wave-particle duality refers to the characteristics of the photon and how when measured it exhibits properties of both waves and particles. This has commonly been referred to as the phenomenon known as the observer effect.

Another achievement of Larson’s theory regarding the atomic structure, concluding the atoms are compound rotations, hence they have no parts, (protons and neutrons), that need to be held together. No need for magical “strong force interactions” to keep the nucleus together.

Wave particle duality and the various models of the atomic structure and nature of atoms are an important part of quantum mechanics and have left physicists baffled and debating upon these topics for years, with many attempting and failing to disprove Larson’s theories.

How I learned and discovered the impact of Wave/Particle Duality

I have been aware of the phenomenon known as the observer effect since the earlier stages of my awakening in 2016, but never really understood the impact and significance it had until attending a conference hosted by Billy Carson. Up to this point, I had been focusing and interested in learning all I could about manifestation, so naturally I felt called to attend his 2020 manifestation conference.

It was at this conference that the combination of knowledge I had been previously aware of, finally connected and made sense on a much deeper and more impactful level with my actions. The connection for me was made when learning about the double slit experiment that shows that on the quantum level atomic particles, electrons in particular, have a unique property about them. They seem to have an awareness of when they are being observed and this affects the outcome of whether the electrons show up in wave-like patterns or particle-like patterns.

The significance of this video lies inside of a deeper question that must be asked in order to perceive its profound implications.

So let's consider this...

If one's own energy, the mere observation of something, can have a powerful enough effect to alert the electrons' awarenss in this experiment, influencing how the electron reacts and responds in the experiment...

...then how much influence and impact does our energy and our own observations of reality and our experiences we encounter?

Furthermore, how much influence and impact does the energy of others have on our perception of reality?

One conclusion that can be made for certain is that ENERGY is involved in every aspect our lives. This conclusion about energy is supported by an ancient Greek philosophy that states the Universe is composed of "aether", or energy. In Greek, the word "aether" means "shine", indicating that this energy has properties of light.

Could this mean that ancient Greek philosophers were aware of the observer effect phenomenon and this led them to make this conclusion about the fundamental structure of our Universe being made of light?

This conclusion also is supported by one of Dewey Larson's hypothesis regarding one of his theoretical models of the universe. The hypothesis is that the universe is composed of one component, "motion", or ENERGY.

These same ideas expressed above are found in various areas of scientific studies. The reflective nature of the universe is expressed well in the following quote by British poet, Henry Reed.

“Ecology teaches us that all life is interconnected. The energy of sunlight, the atoms of the air, the molecules in plants and animals constantly recirculate among themselves. Life is an integrated whole. The body of a human being contains all these elements and thus reflects the whole.”

– Henry Reed

David Wilcock & The Law of One Connection

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker, and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. David is known for a variety of different television and radio program appearances, as well as hosting a couple different shows on Gaia TV, which eventually led to the production of multiple movies. All of his work consists of and is centered around unveiling proof that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which affects our minds, and ultimately our reality in unique and extraordinary ways.

Further background information about David, as well as sources for the following information that will be referenced can be found on his website.

Much of David's understanding and knowledge about our universe comes from The Law of One material, which has shaped his views of consciousness evolution to one reflective of that of Ra.

David's Conclusions About The Aether

David suggests that what we have is a fluid-like energy source, which is technically known as an energy medium, and exists everywhere throughout the known universe. This energy medium is normally unseen to us just as we do not see the air that we breathe, and could be though of as the "body" of the One Infinite Creator.

This fluid-like energy source exists at an extremely high pressure, much more than that of the surface air pressure on Earth. Yet, we move through it quite easily, since we are also made of the same "stuff."

The energy itself is conscious, and therefore unifies all the Universe as one conscious life form - an Ultimate Being. Any time the energy gathers together in an organized pattern, you have some form of intelligent life. This includes stars, planets, and galaxies, as well as cells, micro-clusters, molecules, and atoms.

This energy can be directly harnessed to produce technologies such as limitless free energy, anti-gravity and even teleportation. Light is simply one major type of movement of this energy - hence the aether can be thought of us "liquid light."

The human being does have an egg-shaped "energy body" that is composed of this medium. Trained seers can see, heal, and diagnose disease conditions that will appear in this body first before they become physical. This is one of the deeper secrets that are well known in the Atlantean Mysteries.

Ra Connection

Ra uses two primary terms when speaking about the individuals that make up a society and the society as a collective. These terms are mind/body/spirit complex and social memory complex. Ra defines a mind/body/spirit complex as a simple descriptive term which equals a complex of ENERGY focuses that are intertwined and cannot continue, one without the other. Thus, they refer to the mind/body/spirit complex rather than attempting to deal with each complex separately because the experiences we have are done through the interaction of these three components, not through one individually.

In a simpler definition provided by David Wilcock, “a mind/body/spirit complex is another way of describing a human being or an entity with free will, especially one of third density.”

The other term, social memory complex, is defined by Ra in Section 11.17. “A mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking. The group memory lost to the individuals, in the roots of the tree of the mind, then become[s] known to the social complex, creating a social memory complex.”

Using Ra’s definition of a social memory complex, this would mean that our human society, or “mind/body/spirit social complex,” will evolve into a social memory complex once the group/collective memory is remembered among the individuals that have awakened to realization that we are in fact all one consciousness having many different experiences, and use the awareness that we all are connected to, the collective consciousness, as a basis in all our decision making processes.

What is a density? & What does it mean to be Third Density?

Quoting from the Law of One Session 16.51 Ra states, “…The term density is a mathematical one. The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, the eighth note brings a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each density there are seven sub densities. Within each sub-density, seven sub-sub- densities, and so infinitely.”

Again, to simplify the elaborate nature of Ra’s terms and definitions to better understand what they are communicating, David Wilcock simplifies the term density as a density of consciousness, or density of vibration.

By comparing these two definitions we can gather that Ra is essentially saying that a density is a plane of existence, made out of conscious energy that exists at a certain vibrational frequencies.

There are seven major densities or thickness levels of this fluid-like energy medium throughout the Universe. These different densities are formed solely by the amount of vibration that is occurring within the aether in a certain area. The same basic rules of vibration are also responsible for the 7-fold color spectrum of visible light and the 7-tone octave of the Diatonic scale represented by the white keys of the piano.

Wherever you are in the universe, all energy densities exist there to some degree. Nevertheless, most regions will have one density level of energy that predominates over the others. Planets also progress as intelligent beings from density to density and thus will reside at particular density levels depending on their state of development. Within the seven main energy density levels are seven sub-levels, and there are seven sub-sub-levels within each sub-level, and so on to infinity- much like a hologram or fractal. Thus the name "Holographic Universe Theory."

Even though there are many fine gradations of energy levels, all resolve into seven major densities, which Ra calls the "true color" densities. This follows the same basic "harmonic" rules that form the structures of music. Ra uses the western musical scale as an analogy and way to connect their message with a familiar concept to us. Examining the Tonal scale of, DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA, TI, DO, or even the standard C Major scale of a piano makes it easier to wrap your mind around this concept.

The first DO in the tonal scale would represent 1st density, MI would represent 2nd density, and so on up through TI which would represent the 7th density. The last DO in this scale represents the first note in the next octave in which the frequency shifts to a different level. The next part of Ra’s description of densities is that within each of the seven major densities there are seven sub densities, and within each of those are seven more sub-sub densities and so on infinitely.

To help understand this part of the concept I always use a combination of the tonal scale as well as the C Major scale on a piano/keyboard. C, D, E, F, G, A, B, would represent the major densities first through seventh and Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, would represent the sub densities within each of the major densities. For example, C would represent the 1st Major density, and would be comprised of the sub densities Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti. The final Do in the major density of C would be the same as the 1st sub density Do in the 2nd Major density D. This pattern would then continue infinitely as you could repeat this process for each sub density and it would further break down in this same way for the sub-sub densities.

The Evolution of Consciousness

According to David, size does matter in the Universe. Planets are far more advanced beings than individual lifeforms living on the planets. Stars are far more advanced than planets, having full consciousness of all the densities. Galaxies are far more advanced than stars, programming the basic conditions for spiritual, mental, and even physical evolution throughout all-star systems. The visible Universe is far more advanced than any galaxy, setting up the basic laws and templates that all shall follow, as it is the embodiment of the One Infinite Creator, Source, or God.

First Density:

We can visually perceive all forms on Earth and elsewhere that have first, second, and third density levels of consciousness, not just the third. Ra teaches that the first density is the world of the elements - earth, air, fire, and water.

In this density there is simply empty awareness that has no central focus of space or time. Gradually as these elements disrupt each other, awarenes becomes more localized into that area of space and time causing the spiraling intelligent energy to combine into "increasingly intelligent patterns." as Ra would describe it. The basic elements to beign to form into amino acids and eventually DNA molecules, which signals the bridge into second density.

Second Density:

The Second Density encompasses all forms that we normally consider to be "living," from single-celled organisms, to plants, to animals, birds, and fish, except human beings.

In this density, there is awareness, but these organisms still do not have a sense of a separate self, they have a group awareness that is shared amongst all of their species.

The most important thing to remember about this conscious energy is that consciousness is all around us, not just within our minds. It is naturally shared between particular species of animals, via the intelligent energy that connects all life in the universe. There is also some degree of sharing between all different species as well.

  • Third Density:

A common question that could be asked at this point in our discussion is, if animals can share thoughts, they why can't most humans? We do still have a tendency towards "group think" though not on the directly conscious telepathic level any longer.

According to David and the Law of One, in order to progress to the human level, we must shed some of what we have gained in second-density. The third-density is the first plane where each organism has a direct consciousness of itself as a separate being. In order to do this, we must lose the ability to merge with others of our own kind ino a "group-mind."

Our own individual mind actually becomes far more powerful in this process thus illuminating the problem with having a group-mind. The group-mind removes the need for most individual thinking, reasoning, and learning, and we never really grow by experience.

With third-density awareness comes the advent of conscious processes that are not directly required for survival, such as love, compassion and creativity. This is considered to be the most important level of existence in the Universe in the spiritual sense, as it presents one with very unique conditions, like free will.

Free Will

In third-density, there is no direct "proof" that God exists. It is quite possible for a being in this realm to conclude that they are "alone in the Universe." However, we can think of our entire Universe as a big game that was set up by the One Infinite Creator, where the idea was to separate itself into many distinct parts, each of which has total free will.

The Law of One teaching repeatedly emphasize that free will is the most important law int he Universe, and often the elast understood or respected. It was free will that was behind the different fragments of the One choosing to separate and form the templates that eventually led to the rise of galaxies as conscious mega-beings.

One of the most important realizations to free us fro the "fairytale" of modern third-density civilization is that events in our lives do not happen randomly. the reality is that we are living in a highly structured system with specific rules, with free will as the preeminent law. There are relatively exact guidelines in place for how we will meet with what we create - either the positive or negative path.

The Role of Karma

The processes of karma are always giving us the opportunity to make huge inner progress in any moment, as we are always being returned to a balanced state where we have no karmic residue from the past. Hence, by free will we choose to keep repeating certain experiences that we may think of as "mistakes," and choose to continue to experience the natural consequences that we then attract.

We can simply make different choices, in the direction of self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, and a finer exercising of the powers of our creative will to help others, and miraculously discover how quickly out experiences we have labeled as "suffering" will subside.

So, the goal of the Creator is for each entity to make a conscious choice again to see Oneness, out of our own free will - not because anyone else forced us to. IF we are told what to do and what to believe, then we have learned nothing and will not make any progress. Perhaps one of the single most basic realization to make is that we live in a loving Universe. If we are all One Being, then it is foolish for us to hate anyone, as we are only hating ourselves, as the cliché goes.

In third-density, we are not expected to have a full consciousness of the Law of One; in fact, Ra says that we must realize that we do not understand everything about the Universe in order to be able to make further progress. As third-density beings we search for the truth in the dark without having direct proof that God exists.

What matters most is how we use our free will in making a choice of which path we will follow. We can either choose to love and respect others or to manipulate and control others. The path of love and respect is the positive path, and the path of manipulation and control is the negative path. Ra also explains this in terms of energy. The positive path is that which radiates energy out of itself, and the negative path is that which absorbs energy into itself.

I, as the Divine Connections content creator, choose to use my knowledge and wisdom to radiate it out to the consciousness with love and positivity. Whether you resonate with the information provided by the Law of One, Bashar, or Abraham Hicks, I hope throughout this post you are able to realize that they all stem around the same themes of choices and energy. Once you better understand them, you can use them to create the life or your dreams.

If you find any of this content helpful or useful, be sure to subscribe to our email list so that you stay up to date on our latest content. Until next post, this has been B from Divin3 Conn3ctions sending you all peace, love, and light on your journeys. Thanks for taking the journey with me.



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