Welcome back to another illuminating article here at Divine Connections, where we are providing our readers with insights and connections to further open and expand the mind by bringing an unbiased perspective on current events and promoting consciousness content to the collective. During this post, we will be taking a peek behind the curtain and look at an example of how this Deep State/Global Elite group influences and manipulates our societies. These connections and their implications offer an insight to the secret, dark, and often satanic beliefs and mindsets of this global entity, that even the most "asleep" individual will be able to see. Get your glass of water ready because this red pill shows just how vast and deep this manipulation agenda really goes.

During our current Covid-19 quarantine protocols and practices, our Hulu and other streaming services have been utilized to the max. As my wife and I were scrolling through the advertised movies and TV shows, we came across this one documentary, Three Identical Strangers, that caught our attention.

The story behind this documentary all starts when Robert (Bobby) Shafran, age 19 at the time, attends Sullivan County Community College, a school at which Edward (Eddy) Galland had also attended the previous year. Upon walking on campus Bobby, is greeted very warmly, by former friends of Eddy, and is mistaken for and called Eddy by everyone on campus. Word eventually spread to a fellow student, Michael Domnitz, who immediately made the connection upon seeing Bobby for the first time and asked Bobby “Were you adopted?” Bobby affirmed that he had indeed been adopted. Michael then asks, “When were you born?” When Bobby informs Michael, that he was born July 12, 1961, Michael immediately exclaims, “You have a twin!” This interaction prompted a call being made and a meeting setup for Bobby and Eddy to meet and confirm they are in fact twins. Local New York news reports spread this story around and it caught the attention of many local New York residents. The circulation of the story of these two twins separated at birth reconnecting, eventually led to the discovery of another brother, David Kellman. Yes, as impossible as it sounds, three identical triplets separated at birth, all living within about 100 miles of each other in New York, reconnected and found each other 19 years later. An article in the New York Post written by Sara Stewart summarizes the background behind this event as follows, “The triplets were born to a teenage girl on July 12, 1961, at Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, NY. Split up at 6 months by the now defunct Manhattan adoption agency, Louise Wise Services, the boys were raised within 100 miles of each other. NONE OF THE ADOPTIVE PARENTS KNEW OF THE OTHER BROTHERS.” Sara goes on to write,” …before the babies were placed in their adoptive homes, the agency told the prospective parents, that the children were part of a “routine childhood-development study.” Throughout the documentary, Three Identical Strangers, it shows just how deep the connections between these three brothers and a secret dark project, actually goes and how “Conspiracy Theory” can truly be considered Conspiracy Fact, when the right questions are asked and correct information is found.

In the documentary, the director Tim Wardle, discovers that the triplets are not the only case of identical siblings separated at birth who were involved in this "routine childhood study". Two women, Elyse Schein and Paula Bernstein, were both adopted through the Louise Wise Agency, the same agency all three brothers were adopted through, and reconnected with each other after Elyse encountered a letter from the adoption agency explaining she was born on October 9,1968 at 12:51pm, the younger of twin girls as written in an CBS News article in September 2007.

The Shafran’s, Kellman’s, and Galland’s (adoptive parents of the triplet brothers) all had also adopted a girl, each one exactly 2 years older than the triplets, through the same adoption agency, Louise Wise. Could this have been planned by the agency in order to test/prepare these families for the triplets as part of the study? Also disclosed in the documentary is that the children adopted through this agency, who became the subjects of the study, just so happened to all be of Jewish descent. This is just another of several connections among those involved. Could this be why the Manhattan Child Development Center choose the Louise Wise Agency? “A good number of the twins and triplets who were involved, did come from families with history of mental illness,” said Bernstein in an article from CBS News. Paula points out yet another connection among the children studied and believes that the research also focused on mental disturbances being hereditary. For this researcher, the mere connection of five children, mentioned in the documentary, all being adopted through the same agency was enough of a “coincidence” to spark suspicion alone. However, after digging into the history behind the research study that was being done, one must consider exactly how much weight these other connections start to hold.

Dr. Peter Neubauer, Austrian-born psychoanalyst, oversaw and ran the Manhattan Child Development Center. As part of Neubauer’s research, the triplets along with a dozen other sets of identical siblings, were purposefully separated and placed with families of different socioeconomic backgrounds, then raised separately so that Neubauer’s team allegedly could study the effects of nature and nurture. No one told the adoptive parents that their children had identical siblings as explained in the documentary, as well as other articles reporting on this study, such as the one linked below from nonprofitquarterly.org. Dr. Lawrence Perlman, a research assistant in the late 1960s for Dr. Neubauer, admitted that these children were being separated as part of a study designed to test the impact of nature versus nurture. He was quoted saying, “It was a study of adopted identical twins who were reared by different families without the families having knowledge of their twin-ship, and was a unique study where you might be able to parcel out nature versus nurture influences, because they were genetically identical but they were raised in totally different households.” The siblings being studied were each visited by research assistants regularly to track and keep up with the children's progress and this continued for about a decade. Conducted in the families’ homes, the meetings involved cognitive tests, such as puzzles and drawings, and were always filmed. Behavioral problems were evident almost immediately in the triplets. According to their adoptive parents, as babies, all three would regularly bang their heads against the bars of their cribs in distress. Kellman suggests he knows why as he states, “It was absolutely separation anxiety.” The study was never completed; the files were sealed and to this day the records are now kept and managed by the Spence – Chapin agency.
What started in 1916 as the Free Synagogue Child Adoption Committee by philanthropist and adoption advocate Louise Waterman Wise, later became a nco-opted organization that agreed to participate in this study and placed Jewish adoptees from the 1950’s -1970’s in a longitudinal social-engineering experiment carried out by the Manhattan Child Development Center and Dr. Neubauer. The agency’s original purpose was to find homes for Jewish orphans; however, its mission has changed over the years, adapting to the changes and advancements in family counseling and services. Even in the Three Identical Strangers documentary, it is explained that the Louise Wise agency was put together and ran by members of the financial, social, and political ELITE. The agency ultimately shut down in February 2004, citing substantial reductions in public funding and a $1 Million per year deficit. One also has to wonder if the publicity of the triplet brothers re-connection had any part to play in its decreased funding and ultimate demise. After nearly ten months of operations being ceased, another adoption agency with similar Jewish communal origins, Spence - Chapin, agreed to house and manage the documents of about eighty years of services. Neubauer shelved his findings, and upon his death in 2008 and according to his orders, all documents related to the study were placed with Yale University and restricted until 2065.
The Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services merged with the Child Development Center, and has grown from a $175 million agency to a $250 million agency as of 2015 when it also absorbed the Federation Employment Guidance Services (FEGS) making it the largest human services agency in the state of New York. The Jewish Board is accused of not admitting responsibility, of refusing to release the study’s sealed records (housed at Yale University), and of not offering an apology, let alone financial compensation to those affected by the misdeeds of the development center or the Louise Wise agency. Although The Jewish Board has stated on record that they do not approve of the actions taken by the child development center or Dr. Neubauer, and have released some documents, these documents were heavily redacted and contained limited information.

This documentary, produced by Tim Wardle, shines an important light on the dark, secret, and sinister manipulation agendas taking place in our society. How do these things take place without anyone catching on or noticing what their true efforts were for? In this case, the child development center disguised it behind a "childhood development study." Dr. Peter Neubauer, funded and employed by the Manhattan Child Development Center, ran this twin study involving separating identical siblings at birth and placing them in different households in different social and economic backgrounds and upbringings all for the purpose of studying the effects of "nature vs nurture." The key evidence exposing this secretive plot is multiple sources and investigations stating that the results of the study were never published and all of the files and information was sealed and the study was never completed. Could this have been due to all the unexpected publicity brought on by Bobby, David, and Eddy reconnecting after 19 years of separation? The secrecy and questionable actions taken by all individuals and entities involved, in what should really be described as an experiment in how our society can be manipulated, is one of many reasons why we at Divin3 Conn3ctions advocate for and believe that humanity deserves Full Disclosure NOW.