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Podcast Episode 1: Thought, Consciousness, & The Law of One

Writer: BJ GarietyBJ Gariety

Updated: Jul 4, 2021

Welcome everyone and thanks for tuning in to the first official episode and blog post of the Divine Connections Podcast, my name is Branden and I'll be your guide along this week's journey, into the unknown, as we explore and dive deep into the depths of human consciousness and its connection to the spiritual nature of our Universe.

Lately you probably have been hearing a lot of interesting things about the disclosure of ET's and UFO's and how governments worldwide have hidden secrets and knowledge about their existence for decades. Although, if you ONLY get your information from mainstream media sources, like the Alphabet News outlets, you may not, or if you have, the information you may have received has probably been twisted and adapted to fit their out of context narratives and fear-based agendas, that are designed to keep you from asking the deeper important questions.

Some mainstream news media's even go as far as branding things like ancient knowledge and wisdom teachings that have researchable data points and have been passed down for centuries, and even knowledge that comes from our own governmental agencies, as "Conspiracy Theories." This is their attempt to discredit or "debunk" these ideas and anyone who tries to promote or encourage people to look into it and not just take the "official" word on the subject.

Questions like the ones below are ones that I believe we all need to be asking ourselves to begin to really understand what has been going on with the UFO agenda.

  • Why are ET's really here?

  • Why don't they just reveal themselves to us?

  • Who has been behind the controlling of this information?

  • Why haven't they wanted it to get out to the public and into the collective consciousness of humanity?

Here on the Divine Connections Podcast, as well as on my blog on the Divine Connections Website, it is my mission and goal to provide you with an uncensored and "high vibe" perspective on all otherworldly events, esoteric knowledge and concepts, and all things considered by the mainstream medias' to be "Conspiracy Theory". All information gathered and shared is compiled from my own independent research and by highlighting the work or other bold researchers and members working in both the Spiritual and Disclosure communities to help share and get this type of information out to the collective. My goal in creating this podcast is to allow you and all of our audience to have an alternate viewpoint than what is popularly advertised and to encourage you to think on your own and discern what is the truth for yourself.

Before we begin just a reminder, if you enjoy this podcast/blog, find value in the information and want to hear more of this type of content, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter on our website to stay up to date on our latest episodes and content. Also, if you could do me a favor and leave a review on this podcast by sharing it on your favorite social media pages to let me know what you think as I continue to create and put out more high vibe content.

The Law of One

For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, the Law of One is a collection of 106 Question and Answer sessions between the L/L Research Group and the being(s) who identify themselves as Ra. Ra is and claims to be a sixth density, social memory complex, that originated on the Planet Venus approximately 2.6 BILLION years ago when they existed at our level of consciousness known as third density.

Now don't get lost in the terminology. We will go through and unpack what some of these foreign and complex terms that are used mean, because I know if any of you reading or listening to this are like me when I was unfamiliar and first coming in contact with these terms and type of work, you're probably asking yourself similar questions I had like...

  • What in the hell is a density?

  • Ra? Isn't that Egyptian?

  • What does social memory complex even mean?

  • Did he just say Venus? Isn't that one of those uninhabitable planets? This all sounds crazy.

Although if you resonated with or felt drawn to the title of this episode and blog enough to click on it and stayed with me past the intro, you most likely have been curious about ET's, their existence, and their influence on our consciousness and development.

Now before I go further into this material and its significance and impact on thought and consciousness, all of the excerpts and quotes I will be sharing come from a website that was published containing all 106 sessions of the material as well as some great background material on the Ra contact and the L/L Research Group.

In the introductory portion of these 106 recorded sessions, Ra states that they are not the creators of the Law of One but they are "humble messengers of the Law of One." They also mention how they have made previous attempts at contacting our Earth Human civilization to spread their message, the last attempt being in Egypt which yielded mixed results.

Carla Rueckert, Jim McCarthy, and Don Elkins are the three main members forming the Love and Light (L/L) Research Group that conducted these channeled sessions and communicated with Ra. All 106 sessions were conducted and recorded from January 1981 through March 1984. The information gathered in this material was originally obtained through what is referred to as Trance State Channeling and these sessions were audio recorded on tape. The process of channeling can be quite esoteric/mysterious and difficult to understand and describe, but I will briefly summarize what occurred.

One of the members of the L/L research group, Carla Rueckert, would act as a channel, with the help of the other members who would assist by preparing the space energetically. This was done by placing and aligning certain objects in and around the room, as well as other ritualistic processes to help Carla feel comfortable. She would then go into a deep state of meditation where she would tune her mind, body, and spirit to the compatible vibratory frequency that the extraterrestrial intelligence known as Ra, would then be able to connect with enough to speak through her for as long as she and Ra were able to sustain that connection.

There is a lot of interesting science and information on the channeling state and the abilities and metaphysical results that can be derived from learning to access this state of consciousness. To put it simply, channeling is a method to describe the entering of an altered state of consciousness that allows you to connect with another being's consciousness. Perhaps I will do another episode and post purely on the channeling state, showcasing and diving deep into the many different channeled materials and individuals who practice channeling regularly.

So now before we go any further into the Law of One material lets go over what some of these words mean and what we can use to supplement them to better understand what is being said.

  • Social Memory Complex - Another way of saying Group Consciousness

  • Mind/Body/Spirit Complex - Another way of referencing an Individual Consciousness

  • Density - The level or stage of consciousness and spiritual development an entity is at

  • Vibratory Sound Complex - Another way of referencing the term Name

Understanding what these terms mean will help us when looking at the following excerpts from the Law of One material.

In the opening session of the Law of One, we get a brief glimpse and introduction into who Ra is and why they are attempting to make contact with the L/L Research group, and our Earth Human consciousness altogether. We also get some insight into the type of connection being formed between Ra and Carla as this process unfolds as well as an intriguing set of queries to ponder.

Well let's take Ra's advice and take a moment to consider what thought really is and let me ask you a few things.

  • What does it mean to really have a thought?

  • Did you have a thought just now as I asked you that question?

  • Are our thoughts just this uncontrollable mental stimulations/reactions that just randomly occur?


  • Are there techniques/practices that allow you to become more observant of what thoughts you are thinking?

The most impactful part of this opening statement from Ra is the statement that we are NOT part of a material universe. We are part of a thought and more importantly we are part of the original thought. Ra views us as "dancing thoughts" that move our mind, body, and spirit in "eccentric patterns" because we have not completely grasped the understanding that we are a part of the original thought, but what does this really mean?

This means as we progress and evolve our minds, bodies, and spirits on a daily basis, we are becoming and acting as "dancing thoughts". We are doing this in unconventional ways according to Ra because of our lack of understanding that we are all a part of the same source, which is the original thought, and that our thoughts are non-physical or unmanifested things.

I believe Ra's reference to the "original thought" is their way of referring to the macrocosm that is source consciousness, that we all are part of and connected to. Our consciousness that we use on a daily basis is a fractal, or a microcosm, of what we are really connected to and accustomed to using and being aware of. To better understand what Ra is actually trying to say in this excerpt I have found that it's easier to read when substituting "source" or "source consciousness" for the term "original thought" as well as substituting the term "thought" or "awareness" for "consciousness".

"You are not part of a material universe, you are a part of consciousness, you are dancing in a ballroom in which there is no material. You are dancing consciousness. You move your body, mind, and spirit in somewhat unusual/unconventional ways, for you have not completely grasped the concept that you are part of the source consciousness."

The message I believe Ra is trying to convey here is that all things in our universe are all fragments of the same source consciousness/awareness, and that awareness has divided itself in infinitely many ways in order to experience itself. Now in most religions and to most people, this source consciousness is the perceived/implied meaning of what God is, but what if God is a deeper metaphor for the universe?

I understand how and why this is a controversial statement, but it is one that I believe needs to be made, discussed, and honestly THOUGHT about. I believe the common understanding and belief in what God is, this celestial being often depicted or described as a male, that lives in heaven and created all of the beings on earth and is watching us and passing judgment to determine if we will be granted access to heaven or sentenced to hell after death of this life, is in fact a perfect example of a limiting belief imposed on our civilization and level of consciousness. Now just to clarify, I am not by any means telling you or anyone reading or listening that this is what you should believe. I am simply proposing that like with many other things in the human civilization, we have severely misunderstood the true meaning of and behind something that exists beyond our current level of consciousness and understanding. I am also proposing that beings or individuals that are capable of and are aware of the true nature of our existence, as well as this concept, have used and purposefully indoctrinated this misunderstanding and belief into many different cultures and civilizations across our planet.

Let's ask ourselves:

  • Why would anyone purposefully deceive and place a limiting belief like this upon our civilization?

  • What would be gained from this particular concept being put into place?

  • How would this belief affect and limit our development in consciousness?

It is my belief that this has been done to keep our human civilization from realizing the true nature of our existence, understanding our true connection to the universe and source consciousness, and to effectively keep us from realizing our true power that comes along with understanding these connections. The goal or benefit from placing limiting beliefs like this on our society, by a controlling faction, would be disconnecting us from ourselves, limiting our connection to the inner knowledge and wisdom I believe we are all born with. This goal is then encouraged and reinforced by manipulating us to give our power away to the artificial constructs and belief systems that are setup in our society. This would affect our consciousness development by placing an emphasis and importance on the social constructs put into place, by this controlling faction, keeping us in an easier controllable state.

  • What evidence do I have to support this belief and theory?

If we take a look at one of the most commonly known and referenced passages in the Bible and look at it from this perspective, I believe it gives the message a whole new and deeper meaning.

" Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." Genesis 1:26

Although there have been many different edits and rephrasing's of this verse depending on which text you pull it from, the essence of this verse is that "God" decided to make mankind in "ITS" image. Notice the keywords used in the verse are, US and OUR, rather than ME and MY. I believe if we look at this verse and view "God" as a metaphor of the Universal Consciousness we are all connected to and part of, instead of being some single omniscient, celestial being that exists outside of ourselves, it makes it easier to see and validate how we are a fractal of the Universal/Source consciousness. This conciousness is experiencing itself in our form, and in likeness to our own creator, that we have been taught to refer to as "God."

The God/Gods commonly referenced in the various religious texts across many different cultures all seem to take on a perspective and personality similar to that of the Social Memory Complex Ra. This occurs by speaking from a collective third-person viewpoint rather than a singular first-person perspective. This to me is one of the deeper connections and questions that those in power and control want to keep you from discovering and asking, and is exactly why you won't hear this type of discussion anywhere in the mainstream media and will only find it here on Divine Connections.

In session 1.10 the questioner, Don Elkins, asks Ra if it is possible to create any acceleration of understanding in these concepts of source consciousness, by acting as a catalyst to increase the awareness of the planetary consciousness in other entities, or if all efforts in doing so is merely the individual acting upon itself. Acting as this type of catalyst is one of the main goals of the L/L research group as is the case of many content creators sharing and educating others on this type of material including myself.

Ra's response is very interesting, and I believe allows for another intriguing insight into how what we consider to be an extraterrestrial intelligence, views our human civilization and level of consciousness.

"Firstly, you must understand that the distinction between yourself and others is not visible to us. We do not consider that a separation exists between the consciousness-raising efforts of the distortion/understanding which you project as a personality and the distortion which you project as an other-personality. Thus, to learn is the same as to teach unless you are not teaching what you are learning, in which case you have done you/they little or no good." -Ra

From Ra's perspective and level of consciousness, they do not see us as separate individual beings. They do not have this ability because from their perspective and level of understanding we are all part of the same consciousness and to them we are an unintegrated social memory complex, or group consciousness, known as the Earth Human Intelligence. It is my belief that Ra sees us in this manner because once we as a collective overcome the limiting beliefs and social constructs in place that keep us divided, separated, and focused on our differences, we too will evolve and ascend to a higher state of consciousness. Thus, becoming a social memory complex as our collective consciousness' integrates from raising to higher levels of love and understanding.

This is the main goal and mission of this podcast along with all of the work and content I am and will be creating here on Divine Connections. I am among many others in the spiritual and disclosure communities working together to expose and breakdown these limiting beliefs and social constructs that have ruled and controlled our way of life up to this point. We are doing this by promoting love and unity amongst all beings of our civilization and encouraging everyone to focus on our similarities rather than our differences. I intend to aid in this process of expanding the awareness and consciousness of the collective by providing an unbiased, high vibe container to promote and discuss these ideas and philosophies. I am doing this in order to propel us forward in achieving higher levels of understanding, unity, and love, while trying to bring these extraordinary concepts and experiences to those who would normally not be exposed to it by conventional means and media.

  • So how can we learn and benefit from Ra's perspective and insights on thought and consciousness?

First, we should ponder and consider what it actually means to take thought and continuing this until reaching the understanding that we ourselves are part of an original thought and are merely dancing fragments of it as Ra would put it.

Next, would be to consider what thoughts are we thinking.

  • How would we achieve this?

Well this can be done through various techniques of mindfulness and meditation, but the underlying theme and process is learning to observe our thoughts, by practicing becoming the observer.

Finally, after contemplating what thought is and practicing the observation of our thoughts, to the point of understanding the benefit and effect this has on our consciousness, we can then begin to share these insights with others. As we teach others about our individual insights, we inevitably learn more about how this helps us as a collective evolve and ascend to higher levels of consciousness.

To finish up this episode I want to share a few inspirational quotes that I have found that relate to our discussion of thought and highlight the importance of becoming the observer.

"To realize that you are not your thoughts, is when you begin to awaken spiritually." - Eckhart Tolle

We are NOT the thoughts we think in our minds. We can learn to become the observer of our thoughts. For me, this is done through having a meditation practice where I let go of trying to control my thoughts and focus on reaching a point of neutrality where I am then able to simply observe them. By becoming the observer, we allow the space for another perspective to be taken, one without emotion and without attachment. When we allow ourselves to observe from these different perspectives, we allow ourselves the opportunity to then choose our preferred reality/experience. This is a major concept when it comes to what people in the spiritual community call "MANIFESTING" your reality.

This begins one of the initial and most critical stages in a soul's awakening journey. Inner healing and shadow work can now begin once a soul starts to practice and learn about the observation of thought. I know this all can sometimes sound pretty esoteric and out there, but hear me out and I'll explain my views and what I've come to understand what manifesting reality actually means in a practical way.

"Being aware of the sound of the bell...does not meant that the bell belongs to you.
Likewise, being aware of your thoughts...does not mean the thoughts belong to you."
-Wu Hsin

Just because you become conscious/aware of something does NOT mean that thing belongs to you or that you are responsible for it. You have the CHOICE to engage/interact with it. Likewise, being conscious/aware of your thoughts does NOT mean those thoughts necessarily belong to you or that you are responsible for them. You have and make a CHOICE to engage/interact with them also. This again is another example of a key component of learning techniques of manifestation.

Now all this talk of observing thought and making the choice to experience your preferred reality sounds really awesome and powerful, but what would this really look like in a practical situation? Let me share a personal example from my life to help explain this a bit clearer.

One time I had this manager at this 9-5 job that I was working. Every morning we would have a meeting before starting the day. One morning in particular this manager called for a morning meeting and decided to give a special speech about purpose and passion. At the time while I was working this job, I was going through one of many of my healing phases in my life. During these healing phases I would typically be processing different deeper subconscious emotions that at one time, I normally would have just ignored. I was also learning about recognizing and overcoming triggers and learning how to not react to my environment but rather how to respond from an authentic and grounded perspective. These core concepts are the essence of what can be discovered when doing what is considered Shadow work/Inner Healing, which is the digging into and observing of all things that our egoic/shadow self thinks, feels, and believes.

During this meeting, my manager was making some very good points about the importance of following your passion and being in alignment with your purpose. However, in the moment, I was not happy with being at this 9-5 job, one that I considered to be a "robot job" due to the autopilot mindset and redundancy required to perform the job well. I felt although I was more on path of realigning with my purpose, this job was most definitely not meant to be it, although in hindsight it did provide several lessons for me to learn from and even more opportunities to impact the consciousness of others around me. Within a few short months of working there, I had become aware of the true dysfunction and disorganization that existed amongst the employees and management, a pattern in which I had become accustomed to in both my professional and personal life and I was beginning to understand why this job, and more importanlty that dynamic of disorganized chaos, no longer served me and neither resonated to continue allowing this pattern to play out in my life nor did it resonate with me to attempt to pursue a career in this particular field.

Throughout this manager's speech, it seemed like they continued to repeat and highlight the two words PURPOSE and PASSION throughtout their speech. From my unaligned and rather emotionally triggered perspective in the moment, I began to feel like that manager was talking directly to and about me and another co-worker due to the fact that we both had been openly discussing with each other how we did not feel passionate about our jobs as careers prior to this meeting taking place. Part of me began to feel attacked and immediately became defensive and wanted to pop off with some snarky, sarcastic comment about how this job isn't my purpose or my passion, and how this is only a JOB for me and not a career.

It wasn't until about two weeks later, after a powerful meditation session, all of the sudden it hit me. As I was scrolling through some high vibe pages on social media, I stumbled across a meme that read,

"When you're finally ready to heal and create the biggest positive shift of your life, you'll begin to see everyone as your teacher, especially those that trigger you."

Suddenly several different aspects of my life all flashed through my mind one after another and became much clearer.

  • I THOUGHT to myself, "Hmm, if that's true, then what is this manager trying to teach me, becuase I felt so triggered during that meeting?"

The words PASSION and PURPOSE then started to replay in my head, in that managers voice, like a recording stuck on repeat. I then started to think about everything that had happened to me in the days after that meeting and realized that ever since that meeting, I finally started to put ACTION and ENERGY towards accomplishing some of the important goals I had for myself that I had been putting off.

  • Again, I thought to myself, "Oh I get it now, this manager has and is actually serving as MOTIVATION for me to pursue my PASSIONS and find my PURPOSE by serving as a catalyst in this way for me to take action and start shifting my energy into those areas."

Inevitably the realization and understanding that I came to was that even thought I felt like this manager was making such a direct and targeted speech that then was triggering for me, if I simply were to observe my thoughts and emotions in that moment, I would have seen the lesson and oppurtunity being provided. Had I observed these thoughts and focused on responding to it from a neutral state rather than reacting from a negatively charged emotional state, I would have then noticed that this was serving as a reminder and as MOTIVATION, and I would have been able to save myself a couple of weeks of stress, unhappiness, and feeling this TENSION.

But if you're like me and you try to AVOID the TENSION like I used to do my whole life, you tend to end up having to learn these things the hard way just as I did with this manager situation. I say used to do because since this interaction, I have been practicing leaning into and becoming comfortable with being in the tension that comes with certain situations. Something that isn't always as easy as it sounds for me, especially being an empath and having a nice guy/people pleaser attitude before and during my spiritual awakening.

One of my favorite spiritual and high vibe content creators, Aaron Doughty, has talked about this a lot and has said when we try to avoid the tension, we actually end up creating resistance around and towards the very thing we are either trying to accomplish or trying to create, and we do this by not leaning into the tension and facing these things head on.

  • So now lets wrap up this episode with a few final questions, what is manifesting your own reality and how does it work?

“The law of attraction is the idea that whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.” – Tony Robbins.

Essentially, I feel what Tony Robbins is getting at in this quote is what you put out in the world via your THOUGHTS, BELIEFS, and ACTIONS, is what you will get in return. In other words, by the Law of Attraction, you ATTRACT that in which you put out.

My interpretation on manifestation and the many different techniques that are out there I believe can be simplified as follows:

By becoming the observer of your thoughts, you then become conscious and aware of your mindset and this allows you to begin choosing positive thoughts and choosing to put out positive energy towards your dreams, goals, and aspirations. This allows you to then start to adapt your mindset and perception of the situations and things that happen in your life in more of a positive way CONSISTENTLY.

CONSISTENCY is key. Staying consistent with a positive mindset then allows the space for you to create or MANIFEST the preferred experience or reality that you wish to have. For example if you consistently choose to see the experiences you're having as having a positive effect and outcome for you, then you begin to naturally attract more positive experiences your way.

I know most of you that resonate with this episode will be familiar with manifestation and know that there are SO MANY people talking about it and trying to give you the tips, tricks, and techniques to manifest love, money, or abundance and don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking any of those content creators by any means.

I have followed the same advice and watched MANY of those same videos myself and it’s a great introduction into these concepts. All I’m trying to say is that I believe that a lot of the content that is out there, with some exceptions, really just reshare the same opinions and viewpoints on what manifestation is and what it can do for you.

That is not what this channel is here to do. There is little information out there that actually brings these seemingly foreign and esoteric concepts, down to earth to a practical level of what this means and how for the majority of people like you, who are probably just trying to learn, progress and honestly just make it through the day at times, can integrate this into their routines and change their lives. That is what I’m here to do, as your metaphysical guide I go deep into these concepts and break them down so that you can see just how simple and easy this can be with the proper knowledge and understanding of how it can relate to your life. This is what I mean when I say I help people “Understand Their Consciousness”.

You don’t have to be some “spiritual guru” who just sits around all day and meditates for hours and hours and only eats vegan foods in order to begin manifesting. Meditation definitely does help and can be vital in clearing out the mental and energetic space necessary to allow you to observe your thoughts, but it’s not necessary to do for hours upon hours in order to see results. However, if this is what feels right to you then by all means, find a chill spot and zen out. I’m not trying to tell you what to do or not to do. I’m simplifying sharing my experiences, what I have found along my journey and what has worked for me. I meditate 5-10 mins a day usually as one of the first things I do when waking up, and 5-10 mins before going to bed each night.

Like I said before though, CONSISTENCY is key. One quote that I’ve heard along my journey that still resonates with me to this day is, “Success is the combination of small efforts repeated in daily ACTION.”

To me the other important part to “manifesting” besides consistency is, taking ACTION. Meditating and thinking positive thoughts is a great start, but if you do nothing with those thoughts, and if you give those thoughts no energy beyond the mental stimulation, then it goes nowhere. This is why to me taking ACTION is so critical. When you take ACTION towards those thoughts, towards those positive intentions you have set, you are then no longer just thinking those thoughts, you are then BEING those thoughts. When you are BEING the version of reality you prefer, that is how you ATTRACT and MANIFEST it. When you are BEING what you are trying to manifest, you find yourself in ALIGNMENT with it and through the energy dynamics involved, you become like a magnet and ATTRACT that reality to you, to experience.

ALIGNMENT for me is really the bread and butter for when you’re trying to manifest anything into your reality. For example, let’s look at the principal of magnetism in magnets. Everyone, well at least most everyone, at some point in their life has played with or at least seen traditional magnets. They have a north and south pole.

  • What happens if you take two magnets and take the same ends, a north end of one and the north end of another, and you try to push them together?

There is resistance and the magnets repel from each other, right? It doesn’t hold, and they dont stay in alignment. But if you were to take the North end of one and the South end of another, boom, it immediately bonds together, right?

  • Why is this?

Because now the poles are ALIGNED. It’s almost effortless to get them to hold together when the magnets are in this state of ALIGNMENT.

The same principal applies with manifesting your reality. You can try and think the positive thoughts all day long or consistently focus on wanting to hold together two of the North poles on the magnet, but nothing holds and nothing happens. It is only until you take action in turning one of the magnets around that now the magnets are in alignment with each other, and the magnets almost instantly are pulled together or ATTRACTED to each other and hold together.

  • So why would you want to manifest reality and not just stay on autopilot and sit in the passenger seat cruising through life as it happens?

No judgement to anyone that does feel this way, it can definitely seem like the easier choice at times between the two depending on the situation, especially the way our current society is setup, but if you are still listening to this podcast episode, or reading this blog post, then I’m almost willing to bet that you are tired of the mundane, repetitive, and limiting existence and experiences that we have played out over and over in so many aspects of our society. You probably are wanting to feel some excitement, some passion, and really start living for once and not just feel like you’re existing, am I right?

These are just a few of the things that making the CHOICE and doing the Inner Healing and Shadow Work can do for you when it comes to learning how to manifest your desired reality. You are basically putting yourself into the driver’s seat and deciding which exits you want to stop at and get off on. Being in the driver’s seat gives you the ability to CHOOSE, instead of just dealing with whatever you’re given and feeling like you have no option but to deal with whatever your current circumstances may be.

I’m probably going to do a part two to this episode to go deeper into the concepts of shadow work and inner healing to explain how both of these concepts affecct our consciousness and impact and influence our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. Before I go once again, if you enjoyed this episode let me know by reviewing this podcast and blog by sharing it on your favorite social media outlets and tagging @divin3conn3ctions and comment if you want a part two. I’ll be sharing the link to this episode on my social media pages, and you can find them by searching for Divin3 Conn3ctions on your favorite social medias. Also make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter on our website so you can stay up to date on all of our latest content.

Until next time, my name is Branden, wishing you all much peace, love, and light along your journey.



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